In order to offer a pleasant experience to everyone and quality training, we ask our members to respect the following rules, failing which we reserve the right to refuse you access to the courses.
Barbu Kickboxing is a community martial arts club and our values are based primarily on respect and inclusiveness for all.
No hateful language or behaviour will be tolerated.
By the same token, no racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobicic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic comments, etc. will not be tolerated. We are above all a community; club members are teammates, and this kind of behaviour is absolutely unacceptable.
We ask that you treat your teammates and coaches with due respect.
Thank you for not speaking during the instructions except to ask questions and not to disturb the smooth running of the lessons.
If you enter or leave the room while a trainer is giving a lesson, please speak in a low voice.
We also ask all members to control their strength during contact drills. Excessive force has no place in training. Sparring sessions are not fights.
Thank you for having proper hygiene to ensure that everyone has a pleasant experience.
It was never acceptable to show up sick at practice; if you have symptoms of any contagious disease, please stay home. We ask everyone to respect the sanitary measures in force at all times.
We will strongly ask anyone exhibiting offensive, aggressive or disrespectful behaviour to leave the premises.
2. Punctuality
We ask that you arrive 15 minutes before the start of your lesson.
If you're not early, you're late. For example, if the class starts at 7:15 p.m. and you arrive at 7:15 p.m.; you are late and will not be able to access the course.
This rule is important; arriving late is a lack of respect towards your teammates, the hall and the coaches. About fifteen minutes is needed to change, warm up, put on the equipment and prepare physically and psychologically.
If you arrive late, you delay everyone.
Unfortunately, we make no exceptions except in the event of an emergency or major reason, in such a case please contact your coach or a member of staff directly to let us know. In this kind of situation, please have the courtesy to prepare quickly and quietly so as not to disturb the class.
As places are limited, we ask that you to notify us by email if you are unable to attend your reservation so that we can give another participant the chance to attend. If you book a trial lesson but don't show up and don't contact us to let us know, we'll assume your trial lesson has already been taken and we'll ask you to pay for your next session.
We are particularly strict with delays and arriving late for a free trial lesson is unacceptable.
That being said, arriving excessively early can disturb the lessons, so we ask that you arrive no more than 25 minutes early.
3. Discipline
A certain discipline is necessary for the practice of martial arts. We hope to provide a pleasant experience for all with joy, laughter and good humour. However, a minimum of rigour is necessary in order to have quality training, learn and improve.
We, therefore, expect a certain dynamism and goodwill on your part during the practice of the lessons. Everyone evolves at their own pace, but a good attitude makes all the difference. Our coaches work hard to provide you with a quality experience, thank you for returning the favour by making the appropriate efforts.
4. Judgment
The rule of judgment is simple; it is the rule of “common sense”.
If you feel unwell, unwell, or need a break, take a break. If you need to leave the training area for a few minutes to recharge your batteries, go to the bathroom, or if you have a medical emergency, please notify the coach or a staff member.
We are here to go beyond our limits, but not to get hurt.
If you have a problem, let the coach know.
If in doubt, refer to rule #1.